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De Vecchi S.r.l.

Our company has been producing softeners since 1974.

Our philosophy

Since the beginning we have been asking ourselves how we can offer our customers a quality, innovative, reliable and at the same time convenient product.

The "Made in Italy" philosophy for us is not just a brand. It is a value, a deliberate and conscious choice that guides us in the design of unique water softeners on the market.

We design and build our water softeners directly in our company, starting from the choice of the raw material and thus ensuring an ad hoc product that meets expectations.

We are Green

The impact that our production can have on the environment is important to us and this awareness has pushed us to look at our production process, the choice of materials and the functioning of our products, seeking solutions that respect the environment.

The installation of one of our water softeners represents a long-lasting solution that you can rely on for several years, reducing the impact that any replacement parts may have on the environment and providing an economic return for the user. We have also created an internal repair service.

Furthermore, we have designed a photovoltaic system capable of satisfying most of the company's energy needs. For us, this truly means zero impact.